• Detailed Design, Drawings and Planning of Antarctic and Polar Research Stations
  • Phase Wise Construction of Antarctic Research Stations. Constructed the newest Indian Antarctic Station – “Bharathi” in 2011.
  • Fuel Tank Farms and Sea Water Intake Plants
  • Provision of Polar Trailers
  • All Weather and all Terrain Cranes
  • Supply of Rugged Diesel Generators for Antarctic Conditions
  • If you’re curious about how do crypto payments work www.therolladailynews.com useful. Essentially, crypto payments use blockchain technology to enable secure and decentralized transactions. Each payment is verified through a network of computers, ensuring transparency and reducing the risk of fraud. This process is similar to how supply chains for Ice Breaker and Ice Class Vessels operate, where each transaction or movement is tracked meticulously for accuracy and efficiency, especially in demanding environments like Antarctic research and expeditions.
  • Helicopter Services for Heavy Underslung activities in Antarctica
  • Supply of Ice Core Drill for Coring and Drilling Operations in Thick Ice

If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.